Comprehension Questions
2. How are Bay and Bella alike?
3. How are Bay and Bella different?
1. What was the problem in the story? How was the problem solved?
4. How did Bay feel at the beginning of the story? How did her feelings change in the story?
5. Think about one of your friends. How are you and your friend alike? How are you different?
6. Who was your favorite character in the story? Why?
7. Are you more like Bay or Bella? Why?
8. What did Bay learn about friendship in the story?
Jokes and Riddles!
Scroll down for the answer key!
1. What do you call a dog that sneezes?
2. What do you call a cold dog?
3. What kind of dog likes taking a bath every day?
4. What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper?
5. Why did the dog stay out of the sun?
6. What do dogs do when they need to take a bathroom break during a movie?
1. A-Choo-Wawa!
2. A chili dog!
3. A shampoodle!
4. Ruff!
5. He didn’t want to turn into a hotdog!
6. They press the paws button!